JLAEP supports the call to stop the continuing harm to people of Afrikan heritage - state aided and abetted damage to our people which has it roots in our historical experience defined as the maangamizi.
We urge everyone to sign the petition which calls for a stop to the maangamizi and for processes such as an All Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth and Reparatory Justice (APPCITARJ) to take place. The APPCITARJ will pave a way to making a coherent case for Reparations based on the current impact of our historical experiences - the legacies of chattel slavery, colonialism and neo colonialism.
In making a case for reparations, as Professor Chinweizu has stated, it's not about money, not even mostly about money. Our quest for reparations needs to be internal (self repair) and external (relating to accountablity and remedy) in relation to the perpretrators of the Maangamizi - governments, corporations and those families who benefit from unjust enrichment at the expense of our people past and present. Holistic reparations will need to encompass the 5 Principles of reparations under international law which are RESTITUTION, REHABILITATION, COMPENSATION SATISFACTION and GUARANTEES OF NON REPETITION.
We are looking for organisations and individuals to work with us and commit to fulfilling the aims of the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March (AEDRM) which is an annual commitment building up to the day of the march. We are asking you to tick the boxes against the tasks that you are able to commit to. As part of the commitment we ask that you leave your details so we can check in with you to see how things are progressing. Without this level of communication and accountability we will not achieve our shared objectives.
Here are 20 ways you can support the Stop the Maangamizi Campaign and the Reparations March. Email getinvolved@reparationsmarch.org with you chosen options and we will get back to you......